Bill Fleeman
Bill Fleeman
The NCSSA Hall Of Fame Committee is honored to announce inductee, Bill Fleeman, into the North Carolina Skeet Shooting Hall Of Fame.
Shooting his first registered targets in 1990, Bill became a life member with NSSA since 1991, quickly displaying his commitment to skeet shooting. He was a driving force in registered skeet shooting for many years, running tournaments and serving as an official referee. Bill served as the skeet chairman at Durham County Wildlife Club for many years, relinquishing the position when he realized the next generation needed to take over. He continued to assist with the skeet shoots at Durham in order to insure the next generation was well-trained. Bill was a tireless supporter of youth shooting, devoting time and money to furthering the programs at Durham and in the state. In 2010 he established a trophy for junior lady champion, which he named in honor of his step-daughter Katie Reynolds. As the chief referee, he spent countless hours developing a training program, which he held annually at Durham. Bill was involved in all facets of shooting. He served as President of Durham in 1994. Bill was a level 2 NSSA instructor, falling only 20 hours short of the 400 necessary to qualify for the level 3 course. He specialized in bringing new shooters into our sport, especially women and youth. Bill was a highly respected NSSA, Zone 4, and state director, known for being thoroughly involved in the betterment of our sport.
Year | Team |
2008 | NC State 2nd Team |