Tildon Downing

Tildon Downing
Fayetteville, NC

The NCSSA Hall Of Fame Committee is honored to announce the very first inductee into the North Carolina Skeet Shooting Hall Of Fame: Mr. Tildon Downing.

Through his untiring efforts, Til Downing has reached hundreds of shooters in North Carolina as a friend, a coach and a supporter of new and young shooters. He has continued to give of his time and energies to further the interests of North Carolina skeet. He can be depended upon to give sound advice and any assistance to all. A true gentleman and mentor to an untold number of shooters throughout his many years as a supporter and competitor of skeet shooting at the Local, State, Zone and National levels.

A Sampling Of Mr. Downing's Major Accomplishments

  • 26 (and counting) North Carolina State Championships
  • 183 (and counting) Open Championships
  • Named to 8 All American Teams from 1970 - 1979
  • Named to 31 (and counting) North Carolina State Teams
  • Named North Carolina State Team First Team Captain 6 times
  • 3 Time National High Average Leader
National Accomplishments
1969 National High Overall Average 3rd 98.39
1969 National High Average Leader 12 Gauge 997X100 (99.70)
1971 National High Average Leader 20 Gauge 598X600 (99.67)
20 Gauge Average of 99.67 was a National Record at that time
1990 National High Average Leader 12 Gauge 1248X1250 (99.84)
North Carolina State Championships
Championship# Times Won
HOA 7 Times
12 Gauge 3 Times
12 Gauge Junior Champion 12 Gauge 1950
20 Gauge 1 Time
28 Gauge 6 Times
410 Bore 7 Times
Doubles 1 Time
Champ Of Champs 1 Time
All American Skeet Team Selections
(1970 - 1979 Information Only)
1970 Open First Team
1971 Open Second Team
1972 Open Honorable Mention
1974 Open Honorable Mention
1976 Open Second Team
1977 Open Honorable Mention
1978 Open Honorable Mention
1979 Open Honorable Mention
North Carolina State Team Selections
(1969 - 2001 Information Only)
1969 Second Team Captain
1970 First Team Captain
1971 First Team
1972 First Team
1973 First Team
1974 First Team
1975 First Team
1976 First Team Captain
1977 First Team Captain
1978 First Team Captain
1980 First Team
1981 First Team
1982 First Team
1983 First Team Captain
1984 Second Team
1985 First Team
1986 Second Team
1987 First Team
1988 First Team
1990 Second Team
1991 Second Team
1992 Second Team
1993 First Team
1994 Second Team
1995 Second Team Captain
1996 First Team
1997 First Team
2000 First Team
2001 Second Team
Offices Held
National Executive Committee, Director
Zone President, Director
State State President: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1991, 1992
World Shoot Accomplishments
1970 Champion of Champions Event 100X100 3rd
1970 20 gauge Two Man Team Champions with Dr. Archie T. Coffee of Charlotte, NC
1970 Member of 20 gauge Five Man Team Champions