Mitch Simpson
Mitch Simpson - Class of 2024
Mitch Simpson
Mitch Simpson - Class of 2024
Nominated by: Tildon Downing; Presented by: Jay Bunting
Life Member of NSSA was the 1993 NCSSA President
4-Time NC State Team member, including 1st Team in 1989, 1991 and 1996
1989 Zone 4 First Team
7 North Carolina State Championships, including Doubles in 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993; Mitch Retired the trophy in 1991 with three straight Doubles championships before coming back to win it again in 1993; .410 Bore Champion in 1991; 12 ga. Champion and HOA Champion in 1992
Zone 4 Champion with a 400x400 in Atlanta in 1993 while being a full-time referee during the shoot. Anecdotally, this remains a feat that has never been matched!
Mitch was 8th in 12 ga. Average in 1991, connecting on 99.67 of the 1500 targets he faced; In 1993 he was 13th with an average of 99.5
Mitch has participated in the State shoot 21 times and the World shoot five times
Referee from 1983-2004