Click here to download the minutes from the 2021 mid-winter meeting.
2020 State Teams
Open Teams
First Team:
Stuart Brown (Captain) .9855
Jay Bunting .9763
Kevin Hostinsky .9760
Mason Watkins .9690
Corrie Cloninger .9672
Second Team:
Chip Simmons .9617
Jeffrey DeSantis .9608
Thomas Myaard .9589
Scott Graham .9598
Mark Smith .9576
Junior State Team
William Davis .9530
Josie Cloninger .9411
Wesley Kiter .9250
MaryBeth Parris .8938
Addison Wallace .8867
State Ladies Champion
Anna Wood .9495
State Military Champion
Ron Hostinsky .9253
2020 State Meeting Minutes
Click here for a copy of the minutes from the state meeting.
2020 Mid-Winter Meeting Minutes
Here are the 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting Minutes.
2019 State Teams
First State Team:
1- Riley Dellinger 97.90
2- Stuart Brown 97.89
3- Kevin Hostinsky 97.57
4- Jay Bunting 97.41
5- Otto (Chip) Simmons 96.51
6- Mason Watkins 96.51
Second State Team:
1- Brandon Lawley 96.25
2- Mark Smith 96.14
3- Chris Bates 96.12
4- Noah Dove 96.04
5- Thomas Myaard 95.89
Ladies High Average Leader:
Corrie Cloninger 95.87
Military High Average Leader:
Shane Self 92.13
Junior State Team:
1- Henry Hardin 98.40
2- Trace Davis 97.70
3- Grayson Williams 97.17
4- Anna Wood 95.57
5- Ben Brandon 95.38