
Pearson Tops Peers to Take 2024 NC Junior State Championship

Ridge Pearson used a solid 95 and impressive shooting in a tightly contested shoot off to earn NC Junior State Champion honors for 2024 recently at Rowan County Wildlife Association in Salisbury, NC.

Pearson outlasted fellow junior Addison Wallace in the shootoff. Jacob Meads finished third.

Wallace’s strong day did lock up top junior lady honors in the tournament, edging Kate Harrill for the title.

Nolan Ivie, shooting in his third state championships, finished with a 92 to earn his second Sub Junior championship in as many years. Colton Dull finished runner-up with Reid Culbert taking third in Sub Junior by way of winning a shoot off with Easton Davenport.

Past Junior State Champion, Corrie Cloninger, ended the day with the best overall score to win the Collegiate State Championship. Vaughn Klosowski and Marshall Tomchik rounded out top-3 honors among Collegiate shooters.

The NCSSA congratulates all participants for a fantastic event. Additionally, the organization would like to thank the volunteers and donors who help make this a strong event each year.

Please visit our results page for all results from the event.

NC Junior State Registration Opens May 1

Registration for the 2024 North Carolina Junior State Championship begins May 1. The event will be held at Rowan County Wildlife Association in Salisbury on June 8.

Please find the event flier, with details for registration, on our Events page or by clicking here.

NCSSA State Teams Announced at MidWinter Meeting

The results are in! As part of its annual MidWinter meeting, vice president Bill Kluttz presented the North Carolina State teams for the 2023 shooting season.

Congratulations to all of our dedicated shooters who help keep North Carolina one of the top skeet shooting states in the country. We look forward to awards presentations at our respective state shoots later this season.

First Team 

 Stuart Brown  (Captain) .9913

Corrie Cloninger            .9691

Otto (Chip) Simmons    .9672

James Delosh               .9644

Josie Cloninger             .9642

Second Team 

Jay Bunting               .9631

Scott Graham           .9622

Jeffrey DeSantis       .9620

Addison Wallace       .9606

Marybeth Parris        .9518

Military Champion - Ron Hostinsky   .9231

Ladies Champion - Briley Koller        .8737

NC Junior State Team

Ridge Pearson (Caption)     .9550

Carson Holder                     .8280

Blake Burgess                     .7960

Shoot Dates Confirmed - NC Junior (June 8) and NC State Championship (Sept. 6-8)

The North Carolina Skeet Shooters Association confirmed its two major association events for 2024 during its MidWinter Meeting Feb. 24.

The NC Junior State Championship will be held June 8 at Rowan Wildlife Association.

The North Carolina State Championship, which will be held at Fort Liberty Clay Target Center on Sept. 6-8.


The Association’s MidWinter meeting also included its annual two-gun fun shoot.

Corrie Cloninger, who also serves as the Secretary for our state, won the 12-gauge event. Vice president Bill Kluttz took home the trophy for the .410 bore afternoon event.

Corrie Cloninger accepts the 12 ga. trophy from VP Bill Kluttz.

Bill Kluttz won the MidWinter shoot .410 bore event, accepting the trophy from President Kurt Culbert.