R. L. (Jack) Parks

R. L. (Jack) Parks

The NCSSA Hall Of Fame Committee is honored to announce inductee, R. L. (Jack) Parks, into the North Carolina Skeet Shooting Hall Of Fame.

In 1975 Jack founded the Ocean Skeet Club where he was a skeet coach. He attended 20 state shoots between 1963 and 2006 and competed in 25 world championships from 1948 to 1995. During his time in the military, he instructed aerial gunners on target lead, incorporating the fundamentals of skeet and promoting the sport. Jack also assisted in the planning, design, and construction of the McIntyre Skeet range at Camp Lejeune. In 1972, Jack instituted the intramural skeet team at Camp Lejeune, with which he remained active until his death in 2006. He not only revived the program, but made it notable again. From 1947 to 1960, Jack was recognized as one of the top skeet shooters in the Armed Services. He remained active in the skeet community until his death in 2006. 

Jack's career as a shooter:

  • 1947 California State Open Champion
  • 1953 Virginia State Champion