Stuart Brown used a clean 100 and a strong shoot off to overtake fellow straight shooters and former state champions Jay Bunting and Bruce Colclough to win the 2024 North Carolina State All-Gauge Championship at Fort Liberty Clay Target Center.
The 2024 Championship weekend included the induction of two new NCSSA Hall of Famers in Mitch Simpson and Donny Weaver.
Brown, a NCSSA Hall of Famer, added four more bowls to his NC State Championship resume
Brown also managed the weekend to win the HOA with a 394. The all-gauge title is his third in a row and fifth overall. Brown won both events in 2023 as well. Brown added Doubles title to his list as well.
Bunting also shot a strong 394 to take Runner-up honors in the event as Josie Cloninger took third with 393.
Marybeth Parris ran 100 straight targets in 20 ga. to win the gun state championship while Bunting did the same to earn top honors in 28 ga. Veteran Stephen Timmons used a 98 to win the .410 bore championship in a shootoff over Chip Simmons.
Marybeth Parris earned top honors in 20 ga.
The event included 84 shooters, including a handful of out-of-state shooters in the first year the event was made an Open tournament. South Carolina’s Robert Dudley finished with a 392.
Jay Bunting accepts the state bowl for winning the 28 gauge state championship
Steve Timmons won the .410 championship in a shoot off
Josie Cloninger finished 3rd overall while once again taking top Lady Honors.
For a full shoot report, please visit the Results page.
Photos from the event will be uploaded as they become available!