
2018 NC State Teams

Congratulations to the 2018 NC State Teams.

First Team:

Stuart Brown .9891

Victoria Stellato .9795

Riley Dellinger .979

Jay Bunting .9784

Chip Simmons .9731

Second Team:

Scott Graham .9692

Kevin Hostinsky .9673

Brandon Lawley .9659

Mark Smith .9654

Chris Bates .9596

Tom Myaard .9596

Jr State Team:

Henry Hardin .98

Noah Dove .9655

Grayson Williams .9625

Carter Brown .9433

Wyatt Malphrus .9371

State Ladies Champion: Corrie Cloninger .916

State Military Champion: Ron Hostinsky .9413

2018 State Closed Meeting Minutes



7:12 pm

Role Call:


Gastonia Parks and Rec: Scott Smith

Ft. Bragg Clay Target Center: Jim Tiner

Durham County Wildlife Club: Steve Timmons

Sawmill Gun Club:  Not Present

Old Hickory Gun Club: John Parker

Charlotte Rifle and Pistol: Jack Ross

Buccaneer Gun Club: Tom Smith

Morganton Skeet and Trap: Not present

Hickory Gun Club: Not present

Cataloochee Gun Club: Chris Bates

Polk County Gun Club: Doyle Estes

Motion to accept delegates by Jim Tiner. Second John Parker. Motion passed.


Reading of the Minutes:

Motion made to accept minutes by John Parker. Second Ron Hostinsky. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s report:

We had $22,204.25 at start of 2018. We took in $7,329.25 in shoot fees and NSSA dues. We spent $3,063.20 on State Teams buckles, $2,135.00 on a youth fund grant, $188 on website expenses, $50.00 NSSA dues and 31.16 Office supplies. On 9/30/2018 we had $28,801.99. There is $18,704.19 in the general fund, $8,972.12 in the youth fund, $1,063.90 for the state closed, and $61.78 for the hall of fame.


President’s report:



Vice-President’s report:

Reminded all clubs to submit you shoot applications for 2018. Asked for a club to volunteer to host the 2019 junior state shoot.


Zone 4 Report:

 The overall perception of the I-zone has been overwhelmingly positive again this year. 


Hall of Fame Committee Report:

There was no one nominated in 2018. There are people who are eligible for nomination, someone just has to nominate them. There is a nomination form. Jim Carver is eligible for nomination and will be nominated soon. The form will be on the website soon.


Youth Fund Committee Report:

Scott Smith reported on JR State Shoot. 34 Shooters this year. Gastonia will host JR State Shoot in 2019.


New Business:

Polk County Clay Busters applied for a grant of $1000.00 to support their program .

Motion Made and Seconded  Motion passed.

New Business Continued:

Scott Graham requested the forming of a 5-man Squad Handicapped Event for The N C State Closed Shoot. State Association would provide 5 Buckles for awards. Scott will officiate the Event.

Motion made by Steve Timmons     Seconded by  Jack Ross  Motion Passed . 


Election of Officers

President : Brandon Lawley nominated  and elected

 Vice-President: Chris Bates nominated and elected


Meeting Adjoined